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Welcome to this issue of Meee Moments, which we hope will help you find your own moments of love, joy and presence. Smile into FebruaryWe know a lot of people who found it hard to get going at the start of the new year. If you are still struggling or if you find yourself experiencing a difficult moment, don't wait for motivation to arrive. Take action! You'll soon find yourself in the flow and motivation will follow. Sid quite often asks his son, "What's the first thing you put on in the morning?" and he loves to answer "A smile". When you smile, your brain throws a little party and releases tiny molecules, called neuropeptides, to help fight off stress, as well as neurotransmitters which help boost your mood. February cleanseFebruary comes from the Latin word februa, which means “to cleanse.” The month was named after the Roman Februalia, which was a month-long festival of purification and atonement that took place this time of year. Why not use the month of February and make time for yourself to cleanse your personal development and carry out an audit on yourself. Ask yourself what is working and what isn't. What is it that you can start or stop doing? What can you do more or less of? Write down all your thoughts or record them in a document or an app. Look for short, medium and long-term solutions and work out your next steps.
*This moment was taken from the book, "Meee in a work minute - 60 Ways to improve your working life in 60 secs" by Sid Madge. Fear vs Love*Take a minute to determine where you spend most of your time. Grab a clean sheet of A4 paper and fold it in half lengthways. On one side, write Fear at the top. On the other side, write Love. Right now, what do you fear the most? Think about your work and personal life. Repeat the process for what you love. Looking at the list, where do you spend most of your time? Make a conscious effort to shift away from fear into love. Slow downWe love words at Meee. In the Manx Gaelic "Traa-dy-Liooar" means "time enough" used to express that there is no need to hurry. How often do we find ourselves rushing from one task to the next, from one week to the next, wishing our lives away? Let's channel "Traa-dy-Liooar" and take notice of what is important to us, the people, places and experiences that shape our lives. Let's use our moments to truly appreciate what we have and where we can make a difference. Power in a conversationOver the last few months, the Meee team have been having great conversations which are leading to some new and exciting developments (more on those soon!). If you have an idea, a goal, a dream, you can take action, and you may succeed, which is brilliant. But by talking to people about your ideas, your goals, your dreams, you will find people who either share your passion or may have contacts who can help you. Take the time to have more conversations and work out how you can help each other. That is the law of reciprocity in action. Photo by Lucas Calloch on Unsplash SsshhhApparently, the world's quietest room is located at Microsoft's headquarters in Washington state. It is an anechoic chamber used to test out sound equipment and electronic devices. Reflection can be a very empowering process, and having somewhere quiet to do this is really important. Reflection can help you to make sense of your day, come to decisions, set a course of action or discover new opportunities. Whilst we can't head off to Microsoft and ask to carry out our reflection time in their chamber, we can find a place that works for us and retreat to this quiet space for more moments of reflection. Cool water Sid Madge will be speaking at The Watercooler event in London this month. It is free to attend and is a two-day exhibition and conference on workplace wellbeing and the future of work. The event brings together the very latest thinking on mental health and wellbeing of employees across the UK and beyond. Let us know if you're going! |